Sunday, 24 May 2009

Lost Foam Casting Sprocket Carrier

Had a different day than planed, after boring the jack shaft tube i relised (you would think id of messured before starting!?) that it just wasnt wide enough to fit the sprocket bolts through, so i decided to quickly cast a couple of blanks.
But since i was casting i should also make the new sprocket carrier i need (to fit the smaller sprocket and run 10mm closer to the wheel) so i spent the day trying to cave pink foam into very complicated shapes. The stock item seen in the photo below is very light 660g with the 6 8mm studs. and as ive just worked out how to fit a R1 spindel to the wheel saveing 350g, and fiting the smaler alloy sprockt savein 1kg! i dont want to add it all back with a great big lump of alloy.

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